Welcome to MYC. We are here to answer any of your questions and help make joining MYC as simple as possible. Here you will find online & downloadable membership forms plus our most current rate schedule.
2023 Rate Structure
Full Member $170.00
There is an additional, one time, $100 initiation fee that is applied when joining as a new full member. If you are 25 years or under as of the end of the current year then the membership fee is waived in your first year. All other fees, including the initiation fee, will apply.
Junior Member (14-18) FREE
We are proud to provide a free membership for anyone between the ages of 14 & 18 as of the end of the current year. This is a great opportunity to learn to sail by getting out with one of our skippers on race night. *Applications MUST be signed by parents.
Associate Member $45
A great opportunity to participate in our racing program, participate in some of our events and get to know club members.
Honorary Member $0
Those elected to honorary membership are exempt fees except for Launch & Haul-Out. The purchase of burgees, ads, etc follow the standard pricing.
Wharf fee $75
This fee allows full, honorary and junior members who own a boat to park their dinghy on club property, use the dollies and shed. It also covers the use of the gin pole, mooring mover and wharf for launch and haul out.
Mast Rack $30 per mast/year.
Available to full, honorary and junior members who own a boat. (*Please note if there is a shortage for space and the mast takes up two spaces on the rack – the cost will be $60/year.)
Spring launch & fall haul-out $110/boat per event. There are generally two dates available in the spring & fall. Members are responsible for boat, cradle & trailer hauling to and from the MYC wharf.
Club Burgee $45
MYC License Plates $20
MYC Handbook Advertisement (¼ page) $75 for members & $100 for non-members