Women on Water (WOW) weekend
2024 WoW SJ Cruise
June 21 - 23
Our annual women on the water weekend cruise will again take place from Friday June 21 until Sunday June 23 (whenever you can join us on Friday, through to Sunday).
Anchorages are decided a few days ahead (once the weather forecast is clear enough), we mostly stay within the Kennebecasis river areas.
Activities may include a hike, kayak, anchoring demonstration, beach fire and so much more.
This is open to all women and although we offer it as a multi-club event, it is not a mandatory requirement for you to join us
If you don’t own a boat but would like to join us we will do our best to accommodate you on one of the many boats attending.
Contact Johanne McInnis for sign up or more information – gigiandmaci@gmail.com